Hi Android folks,
I am passing a request from Moto Dev (Randy) for an effort to of fundraising campaign for Haiti relief. Moto is using Facebook Causes to have Android developers either join the cause and/or donate. The causes we’re supporting are : Doctors without Borders, Partners in Health, American Red Cross, Mercy Corps, and UNICEF. All the details are below including a copy of our blog post. Here is the URL:
Motorola, the Motorola Foundation and Motorola employees have pledged more than $1 million in cash and in-kind products to support earthquake relief efforts in Haiti. Help is still needed to rebuild the country and get people the medical attention they need. Because we know you the MOTODEV & Android community are a strong and vocal community we want to ask for your help in joining our support for the below non-profits on Facebook. You can either join the cause and/or make a online donation. If you have already donated financially, products/services, or anything else let us know by commenting on this blog or on our Facebook fan page. Please join one or all of the following causes on Facebook helping those in Haiti: Android Developers Help Doctors Without BordersAndroid Developers Help Mercy CorpsAndroid Developers Help Partners in HealthAndroid Developers Help the American Red CrossAndroid Developers Help UNICEF Now more than ever is the time to donate and help those suffering in Haiti. We, as the MOTODEV & Android developer community, can come together and help those in need. Spread the word to your friends, family, and co-workers by posting a message on Facebook, Twitter, your blog, web site, or any other community you are a part of.
In the words of anthropologist Margaret Mead:Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed. It is the only thing that ever has.
[Via http://androidandroid.wordpress.com]
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