Monday, November 30, 2009

App appeal puts marketers on track

My opinion on the below article:

I found this article really interesting and he uses good examples to support his view point.  The key to this is to remember mobile works best when integrated into traditional media whatever the format.

Mobile applications are just one element to utilise as a marketing channel. At present only iphone applications are offering the rich levels brands would expect and the experience consumers would hope for. The others are some way behind.  Therefore there is limited reach, as in the UK iphone has only 17% handset penetration (much less Globally) with Blackberry slightly higher on 20% and Nokia still dominating with a huge 39% .

In order to maximise the success of any campaign you need to reach the targeted masses; which means you need to consider all platforms and formats whether it is an application, mobile internet site or simple SMS communications (to name but a few).  This always comes back to the key metrics in determining the success of any campaign:

Reach, Targeted, Engagement, Viral-bility and Transactional…..

Does it have reach?  Is it targeted? Is it engaging?  Is it viral? Can you make a sale?

The higher it scores in these areas then the closer you are to running a successful mobile marketing campaign that has delivered recognised measured tangible results.

The below article is by Rik Haslam creative architect at digital agency RAPP.

It’s been a while coming, but mobile applications are beginning to find widespread approval – and generate revenues as a result

mobile marketing consumate consumer article image

A shoo-in: Reebok’s ’shoe modding’ campaign generates more revenues than its website

Clients and colleagues keep asking me if 2010 will be the “year of mobile”, but that rather misses the point. Mobile marketing didn’t start with the iPhone. Many brands have been using it effectively for some time – ring tones, anyone?

What is new, though, is the feeling that mobile is suddenly hot. It’s as if the marketing world has suddenly realised just how many handsets consumers are carrying around. Mobile feels cheap, too, and in the current climate, brands value a low-cost opportunity to connect one-to-one via an ultra-responsive device that is always on and offers direct revenue opportunities – not to mention a means of capturing valuable data. Throw in an “app” and you’ve got your own media channel to boot.

The problem is that many mobile campaigns are crass, intrusive, gimmicky and pretty shallow in terms of emotional engagement. These are not values that too many blue-chip brands want to be identified with. Frankly, many companies have little understanding of how to utilise the unique properties of mobile technology while creating a brand experience that’s compelling to the consumer.


Predictably, perhaps, it took a telecommunications brand to deliver one of the earliest examples of innovative mobile work. Motorola’s Goodbye campaign allowed travellers at Hong Kong airport to take a photo of themselves, add a message to it, and then send it to huge video screens in the main departures hall, where it was displayed to friends, colleagues and family. David Beckham was drafted in for celebrity support, and visitors to the airport received his “goodbye” video message via Bluetooth. That message could then be sent to their loved ones – and tens of thousands were. The campaign not only introduced consumers to new product features, but also generated a huge amount of free publicity for Motorola, which saw a dramatic increase in handset sales.

Since then, there have been countless successful campaigns. One of my favourites is Ogilvy’s work for soft drink Fanta. Its Stealth Sound System campaign was inspired by the “Mosquito” devices used to prevent teenagers hanging around in public spaces – by emitting ultrasonic alarms at a frequency adults can’t hear. The Fanta campaign turned the idea on its head, with an application that allowed teenagers to communicate secretly by downloading words and phrases on the same frequency. The application was downloaded half a million times in the UK and launched globally in July.

It’s one thing to appeal to gadget freaks and teenagers, but to demonstrate enduring success a new technology needs to engage a mass market audience. Earlier this year, Saatchi & Saatchi in Australia used mobile to startlingly simple effect in the UN Voices project. The agency created a campaign of posters and press ads featuring portraits of individuals on the margins of society, accompanied by a simple request: “Listen to me”. Anyone who photographed the lips with a mobile and sent the picture to a listed number received a recorded message from the person featured. Although the calls were harrowing, the campaign was successful in that it made a relatively obscure UN project extremely prominent.

Show me the money

In terms of real success, though, brands like to see a direct correlation between their marketing efforts and their revenue. The Your Reebok application on the iPhone delivers income in spades. Created by Inside Mobile and Agency Mobile, this neat app allows users to design their own trainers and then either order a pair or upload them for others to view and purchase. Launched earlier this year, the application now generates more direct sales for Reebok than its website. That’s the kind of case study other marketers pay attention to.

Several years ago, Blyk announced it was going to revolutionise the mobile market by giving free calls to teenagers who agreed to interact with brand advertising. Although Blyk UK has since changed its business model to focus on operator partnerships (and now works exclusively with Orange in the UK), it has proven that sending timely, relevant messages to young people from brands builds high levels of engagement and illicits high response and action rates.

Rik Haslam is group creative architect at digital agency RAPP


Motorola “Say Goodbye”:

Fanta Stealth Sound System:

UN Voices project:


URl Link to the Guardian:


Friday, November 27, 2009

Motorola Droid: Afterthought

Well, being Black Friday, I went to Best Buy today, and for about 40 seconds,

I held a non-working Motorola Droid hardware model.

Now, this is really what I hate about BestBuy, none of the phones on display work,

so this doesn’t give people a feel of what they’re buying, contrary to an AT&T or Apple Store. (I haven’t said any other names, because I’ve never went into a Verizon, Sprint, etc. store, so I can’t just say they have working models on display)

But I looked at the droid, and it was everything I didn’t excpect.

Screen that ads make look big and really isn’t that huge, check.

Really, really, really terrible feeling keyboard (maybe that’s because it’s a non-work model, but either way I’d be uncomfortable with it), check.

I think I’ll go try my hand with an HTC.. those boys look sweet. The HD2 (which looks the best to me), unfortunately runs Windows Mobile, but hey, hopefully it’s better than the desktop OS. And HTC Sense will probably cover up all the Windows Mobile.

I don’t think you’d find me walking around with a Palm phone, simply because I’m just not that crazy about Palm. The Pre didn’t offer much besides iPhone, but phones like the HD2, offers plenty more to explore, e.g. a 5 MP camera, a huge screen, etc. And no, the DROID’s screen don’t feel that huge because it’s iPhone size. But maybe I just need to spend more time with a real working model of a DROID.

[chewing over the above]


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Parecidos razonables en telefonía móvil: spot movistar y Motorola Dext vs. un videoclip de Sour

Los anuncios de Telefónica han sido acusados de plagio en varias ocasiones. Según resumen en Menéame “primero fue el video de las manos con música de Daft Punk, para dar el salto a los grafittis de luz, pasando por el calco literal de ‘Sorry, I’m late de Tomas Mankovsky’”.

Ahora le toca el turno al nuevo spot de movistar que promociona el Motorola Dext:

Comparadlo con este videoclip de Hibi no Neiro, del grupo japonés Sour:

¿Se parecen demasiado o es que me he vuelto muy malpensado? ;)


Monday, November 23, 2009

Motorola Droid

Що се отнася до сензорен екран, е лекотата на докосване, че сме свикнали от капацитивни панели, но – в САЩ дроида най-малко – липсва каквато и да е MultiTouch подкрепа. GSM версии на телефона за Европа очевидно ще получи MultiTouch браузър, но Моторола и Verizon са провели на разстояние от добавяне на такава функция в САЩ CDMA дроида. Ние сме впечатлени от издръжливост на екрана, все пак; сме я остави в предната и джобове обратно и там не е една видима драскотина.
Единственият друг хардуер на дроида са леко-прекалено твърда мощност / заключване укрепена бутон в горния край, обемът на контрола върху страната и къс камера, а обратно, търсене, менюто и ключове дома под дисплея са всички чувствителни на допир. За разлика от твърде фирма сила клавиша на звука се оказа твърде лесни за натискане при разширяване на клавиатура, на няколко пъти сме пропуснати обаждания като по невнимание в стаята на дроида да мълчи.
Докато MOTOBLUR не може да присъства, това не означава, социална мрежа е напълно отсъства от дроида. Android 2.0 интегрира Facebook, например, в контактите, теглене в ел. поща или номер информация, заедно с най-новите им статут се актуализират и снимка на профила. В новата операционна система също роден подкрепя Microsoft Exchange за електронна поща, календар и контакти, но има разцепление в съгласуваност по отношение на какво се държат отделно и какво се слеят. Емайл обмен и контакти се слива в с останалата част – индивидуални вписвания адресната книга са обединени, а не причинява дубликати и почукване върху снимката на лицето издърпва плаваща Контакти Бързо бар с команди за електронна поща, SMS или каквото и да са на разположение методи – но на борсата Календарът е отделен от личен календар. Междувременно Gmail е corralled в собствения си апартамент, отделно от борса, POP и IMAP сметки.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Top 10 Aplicativos para Android

Pra quem achava que o Android seria só fogo de palha, e que não iria incomodar tanto! Se engaram! Começa a surgir vários aplicativos pra o Droid, muitos não “oficiais”!

O Android vêm pra competir forte com o Symbian e o Iphone! NA MINHA OPINIÃO, aqui no Brasil, o Iphone já não está tanto desejado como lá fora! Não é a toa que a Apple vendeu menos iPhone do que esperava!

Agora que o Android já aportou em terras brasileiras, apresentamos a lista de aplicativos que todo iniciante da plataforma do Google deve conhecer:

1. Twidroid
Função: Aplicativo para acesso ao Twitter
Preço: Gratuito; “Pro” version available for around €3.39 (around $5)

2. Qik/Ustream/Bambuser/etc.
Função: Aplicativos para video streaming (transferência e gravação de videos em tempo real).
Preço: Gratuitos

3. Flyscreen
Função: substituto da tela de descanso do celular, com informações adicionais, RSS , etc.
Preço: Gratuito

4. Nesoid
Função: Emulador de jogos para NES
Preço: $1.99, Lite version disponível.

5. Meridian
Função: Media player (para arquivos MP3, OGG, MP4, and 3GPP)
Preço: Gratuito

6. Flixster

Função: Horários de cinema / filmes / trailers / agregador de informações de DVDs

Preço: gratuito.

7. Barcode Reader
Função: Leitor de códigos de barras.
Preço: gratuito.

8. TED (o favorito do Showmetech!)
Função: o melhor conteúdo para interessados em tecnologia, arquitetura, design, engenharia, ciência e cultura.
Preço: gratuito.

9. 3Banana
Função: Sincronizador de notas e imagens.
Preço: gratuito.

10. Power Manager
Função: assistente de economia de bateria.
Preço: $0.99, Lite version available

Infelizmente não estão com links de download! Daqui alguns dias coloco outro post com mais aplicativos com link para Download!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Motorola Milestone con Android 2.0 en Argentina

Ayer tuve el placer de asistir a la presentación del Motorola Milestone, uno de los primeros Moto con el sistema operativo de Google, y que inaugura a lo grande la era Android en Argentina, con la versión 2,0.

En un rato les tiro todas las especificaciones técnicas, pero tengo ganas de contarles lo que me pareció el equipo personalmente: está bárbaro. Es bien sólido (un poquitín pesado), la pantalla tiene una resolución espectacular, responde muy bien al tacto, el teclado es chico pero fácil de usar, y las funciones de Android se llevan el primer premio.

Más que un celular parece una computadora chiquita para llevar en el bolsillo o la cartera (justo lo que quiero); los servicios de Google por supuesto están muy bien integrados, el navegador web tiene poco que envidiarle al de una netbook y se pueden configurar muchas cuentas de email para usar desde el teléfono. Si en el blog tenemos la oportunidad de reseñar uno, les voy a contar todo, todo, todo.

El precio es muy interesante también: exclusivo con Personal, para clientes nuevos saldrá $999 pesos con un plan Todo incluido de $99 finales por mes, que incluyen 200 mensajes de texto, 200 minutos libres, 200MB de datos y 5 números para llamar con tarifa reducida. Los usuarios actuales de Personal tendremos que esperar unos días para ver la promoción que nos ofrece.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Excellent Sony Ericsson T700i Silver

Sony Ericsson has recently announced a fashion handset device that not only looks good but comes with some impressive features. The phone comes equipped with a 2 inch TFT display capable of QVGA resolution and 262 K colors. While this display gets washed out under direct sunlight, it remains fairly readable. The Sony Ericsson T700 is a compact, stylish and light weight device with 3.5G HSDPA support which is expected to be launched in Q4 2008. It will come in Black on Silver, Black on Red and Shining Silver color combinations.


The Sony Ericsson T700i Silver simply does not look like one. Its sleek and flawless design comes with premium features that are often not found on any other affordable phone. From features such as Flight mode to a 30 frames second video player and recorder. You can take all the pictures you want with the 3.2 Megapixel cameras and listen to all your favorite music with the stereo speakers or with your matching handset.


The Sony Ericsson T700 mobile phone is the perfect choice for anything looking for a new phone, full of features without the hassle. Your handheld 512MB memory card gives you all the storage you need for pictures, videos, music and everything else you could possibly want encased in one of the slimmest Sony Ericsson phones ever produced.


Sony Ericsson T700 Specifications


GSM/GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900 UMTS/HSDPA 2100, 3.2 megapixel camera, slim elegant phone slick stick design with premium metal finish, High quality stereo speakers, Colour matched headset, Bluetooth, 512MB memory card memory in box and even more to expand.


The T700 is housed in candy bar type design and feels pretty palm friendly at 104×48×10 mm and 78 grams. It feels pretty good in the hand, all thanks to the rounded side plates. The T700 makes use of a 950 mAh Li Pol battery. As the manufacturer claims, it can keep the handset up and running up to 370 hours in standby and provide up to 9.5 hours of talk time. It takes the phone around 2 hours to charge from empty to full.


The handset comes with EDR enabled Bluetooth 2.0, the menu enables you to turn on enhanced power saving mode. There is also A2DP support, which allows employing wireless headsets with the T700. Its data transfer speed tops out at 100 Kb/s.


The T700 has the robust set of must have features that you did expect from a Sony Ericsson phone but with the slim elegance that takes centre stage in a premium handset. For more details:

H Νέα Γενιά των τηλεφώνων Motorola

Zougla online – H Νέα Γενιά των τηλεφώνων Motorola

Την νέα σειρά των τηλεφώνων της παρουσιάζει σήμερα η Motorola. Πρόκειται για έξι entry level κινητά τηλέφωνα τα οποία επιτρέπουν σε περισσότερους ανθρώπους να έχουν πρόσβαση στην επικοινωνία και τη διασκέδαση. Η σειρά WΧ αποτελείται από τις κομψές συσκευές candybar MOTO WX160 και MOTΟ WX180, με FM ραδιόφωνο, από τα MOTO WX280 και MOTO WX288 με κάμερα και υπηρεσίες πολυμέσων. Η σειρά ολοκληρώνεται με τα MOTO WX390 και MOTO WX395 με MP3 player.[next]


Monday, November 9, 2009

Beber cerveja regularmente reduz o estresse, diz estudo

O consumo regular e responsável de cerveja diminui o estresse e melhora a eficiência do metabolismo (conjunto de reações químicas que ocorrem no nosso corpo) em dietas ricas em gordura. A informação é de um estudo apresentado nesta sexta-feira (6) no Chile.

O estudo demonstra que ratos de laboratório que tomaram quantidades de cerveja de acordo com os padrões internacionais de “consumo responsável” ficam menos estressados e metabolizam melhor os carboidratos. Segundo os pesquisadores, para uma pessoa adulta o consumo responsável é de duas latas ou 0,7 litro por dia.

A pesquisa, desenvolvida entre agosto de 2008 e agosto de 2009, foi realizada em Santiago do Chile pelo Instituto de Ciências da Faculdade de Medicina Clínica Alemã-Universidade do Desenvolvimento, liderada por sua diretora, Paulette Conget.

Para avaliar o efeito do estresse sobre os ratos, os pesquisadores deram a um grupo de animais dez gotas diárias de cerveja durante três meses e meio, enquanto outro grupo teve sua dieta normal mantida. Ao passarem por um estresse controlado depois desse período, os ratos que tinham consumido cerveja apresentaram menores níveis de excitação emocional que os que não haviam consumido.

Já para analisar o efeito sobre o metabolismo, alguns ratos foram alimentados com uma dieta normal e outros com uma dieta rica em gordura, e a metade dos indivíduos de cada grupo recebeu dez gotas diárias de cerveja. Os ratos que consumiram a dieta rica em gordura e cerveja subiram menos de peso que aqueles que foram submetidos à mesma dieta, mas não ingeriram essa bebida alcoólica – apesar de o acesso a água e comida ser livre e sua atividade física ser a mesma.

Ok, não era preciso nenhum estudo pra provar que cerveja reduz o stress, mas porra, usaram ratos? Porque ninguem me ligou?

via Testosterona

Friday, November 6, 2009

Motorola Droid In Pictures + LG Chocolate Touch

Ahhhh…more gratuitous shots of Verizon’s Motorola Droid. The handset is very well built, on par or even better than the Motorola CLIQ.For a slider qwerty, it’s super thin. The OS is well made and much more refined in Android 2.0. I expect this phone to be a hot seller and wonder if Motorola is going to let Sprint in on a nice new version Android device?

Is this an iPhone killer? Let me explain something people, NO PHONE is going to be an iPhone killer. Apple set the stage for all of the devices we have seen follow them for the past two years. Is it an upgrade with some kick to an iPhone? You betcha! My friend is replacing his aging Voyager with the Droid tomorrow morning (and he is getting there at six in the morning to make sure he gets his phone).

So I would expect may of you folks to do the same and be found standing in line. If so, shoot us an email at fonefrenzy at yahoo or gmail and I will post them throughout the day.

Today, (Target stores) Bullseye Mobile Solutions (California for now, sorry nation) announced the lowest price so far for the Droid at $199.87, for new activations, with instant MIR. Take that Best Buy and Walmart!

So what are you waiting for? Get the car gassed up, take your thermos and grab your stainless steel, double walled Starbucks coffee cup and get in line!

And here is a shot of the LG Chocolate Touch:

Monday, November 2, 2009

Motorola Is Back With Motorola Dext MB220

Motorola is back in the market with its fabulous Motorola Dext MB220. If you want the best of cell phones avail in the market, Motorola Dext is the best choice for you. This phone looks good and it measures 114×58×15.6mm and weighs 163 grams. Its display is fantastic and its large 3.1 inches screen displaying 256K colors at 320 x 480 pixels with additional feature of accelerometer sensor and proximity sensor.

Motorola Dext is the first phone in the year from the bag of Motorola. It is in the market with exciting features. This is the first Android phone from Motorola. It is very helpful in using social networking sites like facebook and twitter. The QWERTY keyboard helps you in messaging.

Excepting all these attractive features this phone has Digital Compass, Goggle Maps with street viewer, amazing 5 MP of camera, 1GB internal storage, 256 MB RAM and 512 MB ROM, MOTOBLUR UI with Live Widgets and it supports both 2G and 3G network fluently. Overall it’s the phone for all your need.

For more info Goto Cellhut.Com